Army Strong

We are Army Strong!
I find myself reflecting back on 2017 and our Army adventure now that we are getting ready for yet another life transition. I remember the first time Brad suggested that he join the military. He had been a law enforcement officer since I met him in 2001. At the time he broached the military possibility, we had a toddler, a newborn, and I was a caregiver for my disabled parents who lived with us. At first, I told him “No way!” (but in not such nice terms). “They will send you to Iraq or Afghanistan and how could I handle everything by myself here?” Looking back, I know I am strong and I am proud of how I handled it.
The Army talks about being strong and resilient. I know I am, my daughters are, and Brad is and we are one of the families that has grown closer through this crazy adventure. There are many brave men and women that are law enforcement officers or military service members (and their families) that face stress every day. Sometimes it tears families apart, but sometimes it brings us together. Our children have adapted to countless new situations. One of our daughters (now a teenager) has literally attended eight different schools. You HAVE to be open, adaptable, and resilient to be successful in those circumstances. Recently, in working on the publishing of my book, Made Again, I have joined military spouse entrepreneur groups. These women are amazing! They deal with home, family, and making a portable career for themselves- all while supporting their spouse whether they are near or far away.
Unless you have experienced it yourself, it is hard to describe the hidden worry that goes with being a law enforcement or military family. You never know if each hug and goodbye before each shift or deployment will be the last. These families and every law enforcement officer or military service member deserve our gratitude for literally putting their life on the line for their fellow citizens and their country. Yes, there are always some bad folks in every profession, but we should realize that most of these people are serving their communities and their country in an honorable way and don’t really get much recognition for it. I am so proud of my husband and our family. I have been inspired by him and so many wonderful people that we have met along the way.
I hope that my book gives readers that are not familiar with the military or law enforcement insight into our life and gratitude for those that are serving on their behalf. They truly deserve our gratitude and prayers.