
I have lived in six different towns and visited at least eight countries in the time we’ve been married. Quite a change for the girl that grew up in Arizona going to one school and living in one house and only visiting a few nearby states before I met Brad. Our favorite vacation has become cruises. In my book, Made Again, I describe how Brad surprised me with our first cruise together. Most of the time we go on large cruiselines, but for our eighth anniversary we did a Rhine River cruise from Switzerland through Germany to the Netherlands. It was spectacular!
Our first few trips were around Arizona and to Las Vegas. We stayed in a very small town called Strawberry in northeastern Arizona for our first getaway and then Flagstaff, where he surprised me with the brochure for our upcoming first cruise, the Panama Canal. We have been on dozens of cruises now and enjoy them as a couple and also as a family. Our girls especially like the cruises with the huge waterparks on the decks. Brad has been scuba diving since he was about 10 years old and talked scaredy cat me into getting certified too. Now one of our daughters is also certified and the other enjoys snorkeling. Brad always says that the one who retires closest to the Caribbean wins.
Another crazy idea of Brad’s lately is to travel around the U.S.A. in an RV. With two daughters and two silly dogs that will definitely be a crazy trip, but I have learned that I cannot discount Brad’s crazy ideas because they often end up taking us on amazing adventures. Maybe we will do it as a book tour after the book is published.
I have posted a few pictures and pins on my pinterest account under a travel board, but here are some pictures from our travels as well. How and where do you like to travel?
Cheers and happy trails to you!